Benefits & Requirements for Accredited Programs

Your Benefits

Accreditation with the Motor Skill Learning Academy Switzerland is meant for businesses or schools who want to increase their recognition through affiliation with our globally recognized brand in the physical education industry.

  • Add our logo ‘Motor Skill Learning Accredited Program’ to your website and use it in all your marketing. We require that you add a backlink to from your website.
  • Adding your logo to our site and linking it back to your website. 
  • Certificate ‘Motor Skill Learning Accredited Program’
  • Promoting your business when deemed reasonable.



Yes, I want to get recognised in my industry

and become accredited by the MotorSkillLearning Academy Switzerland by


Frequently Asked Questions

No, there is no need to apply to become affiliated but you need to fulfill the requirements mentioned above.
E.g. If you do not have a website that clearly states your offerings for children, we can't add you as an accredited program.

The accreditation is valid for life once you have either purchased and used the Motor Skill Learning curriculums or have successfully completed the Motor Skill Learning online coach certification.


50% Complete

Two Step

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