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PE Program for Ages 3-7

We would like to introduce the most innovative children's PE program for ages 3-7 which is the best window of opportunity to develop fundamental motor skills.

Developed in Switzerland in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Phil. Christian Herrmann and the University Basel (DSBG) and Zürich (PH), Switzerland.

"Every healthy child at age 7 can have the motor skills to take part in sports, no matter their genetic predisposition"

This innovative program is being introduced in Spain by Juan Carlos Carrasco of the Academy Deportiva Internacional located in Málaga.

Contact Information:
Academy Deportiva Internacional
Business Development
Juan Carlos Carrasco
Avda.Ricardo Soriano,56
29601 Marbella - Málaga
Tel:+34 698351771/+34 951530007
Motor skills are developed to a great degree rather than inherited. Genetic predisposition only accounts for 45% of potential outcomes. 25 % depends on what is done at home and 30% in school and after school sports.

With a lesson plan that is workable and fun, you can get your children on a great path to self-confidence

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Buy the Motor Skill Learning PE Curriculums Now
25% Special Discount August 7th - October 1st, 2019 (PST)
Enter promo code "MSL2019" to receive the special promotion price.

Fun is the main motivator for children to participate in sports. The motor skill learning curriculums are designed to be a seriously fun PE program.

The cornerstone of our PE teaching system is versatility and exposing children to a vast variety of movement experiences at an early age.

Young children experience classes that are based on learning a large variety of motor skills as more fun than traditional one-dimensional, sport-specific classes.

A well developed versatile movement repertoire leads to more fun in sports and is 

  • The most promising, 
  • The most suitable and
  • The most child-appropriate path for success.

What is it?

4 completely planned PE curriculums that keep children engaged and rejuvenate your coaching as a teacher. Even teachers with limited or no experience can put them in place.
You can also customize our extensive video library to your own needs.

Watch this video to see exactly what you get =>


Arad Scovel, SpeedIt, Tel Aviv, Israel

Bigger and better brains

       Few movement experiences             Many versatile movement experiences

Young children learn the most through moving around. The more versatile the movement experiences are, the more learning fields open up for children to build bigger and better brains.

You directly help children's brain development through versatile PE programs to create

  • More cells
  • More connection between cells
  • More communication between different parts of the brain
  • More speed of pathways between cells and different parts of the brain.

There are teachers who think it is enough to do the same lessons every year. Other teachers want to keep doing all the research themselves, getting tired and frustrated with writing their own PE lesson plans, costing them so much of their time? 
Or let us create your PE curriculums and always be prepared for your lessons and feel competent about the programs you offer.

  • Are you ready to start a great PE sports program and feel qualified and competent to run your own classes?
  • Access hundreds of new and creative ideas to keep your classes fresh and interesting with a step by step program?

With this email, it is our pleasure to offer you a special discount code

Buy the Motor Skill Learning PE Curriculums at a 25% Discount
Valid only from August 1st - October 1st, 2019
Enter promo code "MSL2019" to receive the special promotion price.
Reshma Oswal

Elevate your existing PE programs. Stand out with a properly prepared lesson plan and all your planning stress gone, saving you tons of time.

Why do I need that?

Young children ages 3-7 loose interest very fast thus you will need an extensive lesson library with simple and doable games. We have over 250 games & challenges in each age group.

We provide the most innovative PE program for this age group. The only company that updates its step by step curriculum on a weekly basis. And you can even create your own custom programs.

How do I know the Motor Skill Learning system works?

The Motor Skill Learning curriculums are based on a 3-year research study by the Swiss Federal Institute of Sports (EHSM).
The assessment tests (MOBAK) are designed in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Phil. Christian Herrmann, at the University Basel (DSBG) and Zürich (PH) Switzerland.

The Motor Skill Learning curriculums are implemented globally with partners in China, India and most major countries.

                       India                                                              China

Will it work on any child of any ability?

Though not officially approved, many of our clients use the programs for children with special needs and physical therapy. The program has great benefits for children of any ability even if the entry point needs to be lowered.

Why do children age 3-7 need a PE program anyway?

Children don’t learn sports skills by getting older, growing taller or exercising. We need to take an active role in their PE developmental path. The first step is acquiring fundamental motor skills to be able to learn sport-specific skills. The ultimate goal is for children to play a sport they like.

Still not convinced?

If you don’t get inspired by these activities, we are the wrong fit and don’t buy it.

Who are you guys?

We are the leading after school program provider for kindergarten in the state of Basel, Switzerland. We offer year-round after school sports classes with 15 expert staff and collaborate with the Swiss Federal Institute of Sports to offer teacher training for Swiss Kindersport. This national program is by far the largest in the country with 141,093 children participating in 2015.

For testing, we work closely with Prof. Dr. Phil. Christian Herrmann, University Basel (DSBG) and Zürich (PH), creator of the MOBAK assessment tests used all over the EU, South America, and the Middle East.


Use discount code MSL2019 to purchase the Motor Skill Learning curriculums 
and all the planning stress will be gone


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