Step by step PE system with different and unique activities to keep your classes fun and engaging.
New & creative PE games instead of the same old lessons every year.
Use our tested step by step curriculums or create your own programs
Learn to use the MSL system to grow or start your own PE programs
Kindergarten classes present a challenge for the teacher and are mentally tough. The Motor Skill Learning Academy provides 4 yearly PE curriculums, all in video format, for ages 3-4, 4-5, 5-6 and 6-7.
How much time and frustration is lesson preparation costing you? How bored are you giving the same old lessons every year? In how many lessons do you struggle to keep children engaged because you don’t have enough new and creative games? How many students stop coming back to your classes? Do you know what to teach at what age? A lack of understanding may already be costing you a great deal.
Billed monthly
Billed annually
One-time payment
WhatsApp/Viber: +4178 8685017
Telegram: @dominiquechiquet
Skype: dchiquet